Caregiver Self-Efficacy in Contributing to Patient Self-Care Scale

Confidence is not part of self-care per se, but a factor that greatly influences self-care. For this reason, we include a confidence (or self-efficacy) scale as part of the self-care scales. The Self-Care Self-Efficacy scale can be used alone or with one of the other self-care scales.

Many of the scales on this website already include the Self-Care Self-Efficacy (SCSE) scale embedded within. If it’s an old scale, it might include a 6-item “confidence” scale. We recommend that you replace those items with this 10-item SCSE scale if possible. If no additional confidence items are included, we strongly recommend that you use the SCSE scale because self-efficacy is a major predictor of self-care.

Professor Ercole Vellone, PhD, RN adapted the items to reflect caregivers’ self-efficacy in contributing to patient self-care. Using the patient and the caregiver versions together facilitates dyadic analyses.

Psychometric testing of this instrument is described in this paper:
Yu DSF, De Maria M, Barbaranelli C, Vellone E, Matarese M, Ausili D, Rabelo-Silva ER, Osokpo OH, Riegel B. Cross-cultural applicability of the Self-Care Self-Efficacy Scale in a multi-national study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2021; 77:681-692.* DOI:10.1111/jan.14617

Primary Contact
Maddalena De Maria | RN, MSN, PhD

Maddalena De Maria | RN, MSN, PhD

Associate Professor of Nursing Science
Department of Life Health Sciences and Health Professions | Link Campus University
Via del Casale di San Pio V, 44, 00165 Rome, Italy
