Self Care Measures

Self-care maintenance is defined as those behaviors used to maintain physical and emotional stability.
Self-care monitoring refers to the process of observing oneself for changes in signs and symptoms.
Self-care management is defined as the response to signs and symptoms when they occur.

About Us

We have been studying self-care for more than 30 years. We have developed theories that have been used to build the instruments you will find on these pages.

Use Agreement

If you are interested in using one of our instruments, please complete the request below to obtain permission. After you complete the contract you will receive permission to use the instrument in a follow-up email.

Translation Request

If the instrument you wish to use is not available in your language, please read the translation guidance (under Additional Resources). Then email the person listed as the primary contact to request permission to translate the instrument. You will need to complete an Instrument Translation Request and complete the work within a 4-6 month period. To identify the primary contact, click on the name of the instrument.

Useful Resources